Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Before the Where comes the Who

 Who are we?

My name's Andrea, and I am a recent college grad, writer, and travel lover. Now, I can add nomad to the list. My boyfriend Ian is a recent college grad, photographer, and travel addict. Leila (also known as Loo, Looper, or Dufus) is a English pointer /pit mix that loves nature and licking your toes.

Last month, we decided to give up our jobs and apartment and say adios to sunny Santa Barbara. All our belongings are boxed away except for a duffel bag each and all the necessary camping supplies packed into our 1996 Toyota Rav4. Starting in San Francisco, California, we will make our  way across the United States with no time restrictions except our wallets. Read: Freedom. Lots of it.

With all of that freedom, I need one thing...

Focus. Focus. Focus. That's what I need to keep this blog rolling on the long road ahead of me. I don't want to write a dry travelogue or mundane babbles. What is the overwhelming question that all my rambling must lead to?

Where to call home?

Each post will talk about one specific place. What's absolutely amazing about the place, the people? What's the deal-breaker?  Expect pictures.

Maybe we'll end up right back in Santa Barbara and laugh at ourselves. But first, we have to figure out what the grass is like on your side of the fence...

Got destination suggestions, send them my way!